HTMX Title Extension


While making this blog I encountered a problem that seemed to have sloppy solutions at best. Changing the page’s title tag during htmx requests.

After doing some quick research I concluded that I could either use some form of out-of-band swaps or create a custom extension to handle this behavior how I prefer to have it handled.

The idea of the extension is very simple. If a specific header on the response exists(HX-Title), update the page title to the value of that header, otherwise, do nothing.

So let’s see code!


 1(function() {
 2    htmx.defineExtension("title", {
 3        onEvent: function (name, evt) {
 4            if (name === "htmx:afterSettle") {
 5                const titleHeader = evt.detail.xhr.getResponseHeader("HX-Title");
 6                if (!!titleHeader) {
 7                    document.title = titleHeader;
 8                }
 9            }
10        }
11    });

You can activate the extension by adding title to the hx-ext attribute on the body tag of your page.

For a more in-depth look, you can check out the repo for my blog here on GitHub!

12/29/2023 12:15 PM


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